
Cognitive processing therapy

CPT is a hybrid therapy that involves a cognitive as well as an exposure element.CPT is a top down process that keeps the pre-frontal cortex connected whilst processing the emotions through exposure. The goal of CPT is recovery from trauma through a change in the your belief system in order to gain a balanced and realistic view of the event or events. This is achieved through encouraging you to stop avoiding. Emotions experienced through recollection of the trauma are helped to be processed in a healthy way. It works by helping you to re-interpret the event in light of context and the facts of the event. It serves to diminish any difficult emotions that may have been based on misinformation or misinterpretation of the event in connection to view of self, others or the world. It thereby enables you to avoid overgeneralising from a single event/person/disaster to the world at large (Resick et al)

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